Introducing Michael Trapp, aka The Alien, the eccentric mastermind behind the musical madness of Sober Sucks Studios. A guitar wizard and musical genius, Trapp has bounced around the music scene for years, working with successful Prog, Power Pop, Metal, and Alternative bands in both NYC and LA. But, tired of the internal struggles that inevitably led to the dissolution of his bands, Trapp has finally found solace in the Poconos, where he built his dream studio. Sober Sucks Studios is where he creates his insane masterpieces of musical insanity. From Nine Inch Nails to Beethoven, Metallica to Pink Floyd, Trapp blends various musical genres with a touch of tequila and strawberries and a bong hit or two to create a sound that will blow your mind. Along with his mix-down engineer and psychiatrist, Paul Kurzweil, aka that Kurzweil Guy, Trapp has everything he needs to create his frighteningly unique music. Be warned: once you step into the world of The Alien, you may never want to leave. For more on Mike E.T., check out his website at
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